1 & 2 Timothy - Lesson 13

By John Harrison

Review of the Major Themes in 2nd Timothy

Objectives: By the end of this lesson the learner will be able to:

  1. List three major themes found in 2nd Timothy.
  2. Explain how these themes have application to their pursuit of righteousness and godliness today.

Teaching Aids and Materials:

  1. Easy to understand Bibles for every student (CEV, RSV, NAV, NIV, NRSV, etc.).
  2. A marker board and/or chalkboard.

Lesson Plan for Conducting the Class

Introduction: (5-8 minutes)

  1. Begin class by welcoming members and any visitors; make all necessary class announcements.
  2. Have the class led in prayer. The prayer should include a request that God help us to be as faithful in our ministry as Paul and Timothy were in theirs.
  3. Discuss last week's assignment
  4. Explain to the class what this lesson will focus on:
    1. How Paul urged Timothy in 2nd Timothy to combat false teachings and how we can do the same today
    2. What attributes are listed as important for Christians to acquire
    3. Recalling how the Lord Jesus has protected us when we were threatened because of our faith

Learning Experiences: (30 minutes)

First Major Theme: Combat false teachings

Q: In 2nd Timothy 2:14-18, Paul tells Timothy that there are several things he can do to help Christians resist the influence of false teachers. What things do you see Paul telling Timothy he should do?

A: Some things Paul tells Timothy to do are: 1. Remind Christians what they have been taught.
2. Charge them not to wrangle over words.
3. Timothy should present himself as an accurate teacher of the truth. 4. Avoid profane chatter; and 5. Turn away from evil.

Q: In addition to these instructions, what are other things you think Christians can do to combat false teachings?

A: Allow enough time for 2 or 3 comments. One specific thing that could be done in class is to pray for the knowledge and courage of the church's teachers that they might proclaim clearly, convincingly, and forcefully God's truth.

Stop to take time to pray for the church's teachers.

Q: In the last lesson we saw that Paul told Timothy to do four things as he combats the false teachers. Do you remember what they were?

A: 1. Preach the word. 2. Be self-controlled.
3. Endure hardship. 4. Do the work of an evangelist.

Read 2nd Timothy 4:2-5

Second Major Theme: Live respectful godly lives

Q: In 2nd Timothy 2:22, Paul tells Timothy to flee or keep away from what?

A: "Youthful passions"

Q: Do you remember what Paul likely meant by "youth passions"?

A: Students may have difficulty recalling the interpretation of this phrase. If so,here is what should have been taught: Paul more than likely has in mind the youthful passions for new teachings and arguments, which is being shown in the lives of such men as Hymenaeus and Philetus (vs. 17-18).

Q: In addition to telling Timothy what to stay away from, he also told him what attributes he should pursue. What are they?

A: Righteousness, faithfulness, love, and peace.

Q: What are some practical things the church could be doing today that will help all of us pursue these four attributes?

A: Allow enough time for 2-3 suggestions.Third Major Theme: Endure hardship for the sake of the gospel

Q: The encouragement to endure hardship for the sake of the gospel is as strong in 2nd Timothy as it is in 1st Timothy. When we examined 2nd Timothy 2, we saw that Paul used three specific analogies for the type of hard work and endurance Christians must show. Do you remember what those three analogies are?

A: They are 1) a soldier who doesn't get tangled up in civilian affairs; 2) an athlete who competes according to the rules; and 3) a farmer who having worked hard gets the first share of the crops.

Read 2nd Timothy 2:3-7.

Q: As Paul looked back on his life, he saw that it was the Lord Jesus who delivered him from all dangers (3:11). Though Scripture never promises that every Christian will escape hardship and death, it does encourage us to look for those times in our lives where we have been delivered from threatening situations. What are times in your life when you were faced with hardships for the sake of the gospel and you know the Lord protected you?

A: Allow enough time for at least 2-3 people to share their stories.

Evaluation: (5-8 minutes)

Q: What information or insight in this series have you found to be the most helpful in your pursuit to live a godly life?

A:Allow time for several people to make contributions.

Q: What teachings in 1st & 2nd Timothy do you wish was covered in more detail?

A: The class may mention several things. Affirm that their questions are legitimate ones but remind them that the purpose of this series was to look at that major points made in these letters that would be useful to our own spiritual development.If anyone wants to study the book in more detail, here is a list of commentaries that may be useful: Gordon Fee, 1 and 2 Timothy, Titus (NIBC series), Peabody, MA:Hendrickson, 1988. Michael Moss. 1, 2 Timothy and Titus. Joplin, MO.: College Press, 1995. William Mounce, Pastoral Epistles (Word Biblical Commentary series, 46),Nashville: Nelson, 2000. Philip H. Towner, 1-2 Timothy, & Titus (IVP New Testament Commentary series), Downers Grove, IL: IVP, 1994.

Closing the Series: (2-3 minutes)

Thank the class for their attention and participation and end with a prayer asking God to help each of you to live godly lives that will be respected by non-Christians and will show others that you are committed to endure all hardship for the cause of Christ and his kingdom.

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