Christ and His Church - Lesson 7

By Stafford North

Christ: The Teacher of His Church

The Learning of the Church

Background Information for the Teacher


  1. The student can explain the difference between the Old Covenant and the New in regard to teaching.
  2. The student can quote John 6:45-, They shall all be taught by God.'
  3. The student can identify his/her plan in the teaching program of the church.
  4. The student can tell of his/her plan for the learning Christ wants His church to do.


  1. Each student needs a Bible.
  2. Have a chalk board or marker board. No PowerPoint provided with this lesson.
  3. Have a song book or song sheets to sing 'We Have Heard the Joyful Sound.'


Jesus emphasizes that to become a Christian and to continue as a Christian one must be a learner. With Him as our initial teacher, the church must function as a learning institution.

Lesson Plan for the Teacher

Introduction: (10 minutes)

  1. Call the roll, recognize visitors, and have a prayer.
  2. Sing a song about teaching-

Learning Experiences: (30 minutes)

  1. Read Jeremiah 31:31-34. Q: What are the two covenants mentioned here? A: The Covenant given through Moses given at Mt. Sinai and the coming covenant to be given through Christ. Q: What does the section mean that says under the new covenant, no longer will a man teach his neighbor or a man his brother saying 'know the Lord' because they will all know me?' A: Under the Old Covenant, people became a part of the covenant by physical birth and, at the time, knew nothing of the Lord. Later on, they were taught about God. Under the New Covenant, one must learn about God and Christ before he/she can become a part of the covenant. Thus, 'learning' is a very important part of the new covenant.
  2. Read John 6:45. Q: What does Jesus say here that lays the foundation for one to come to Him? A: They must be taught of God. We cannot come to Christ without learning. (Teacher: spend a moment here letting the class memorize this sentence-And they shall all be taught by God.)
  3. Read Matthew 28:18-20. Q: What does Jesus teach us about learning in this passage? A: Since a 'disciple' is a learner, Jesus says to go and make learners of people, then baptize the learners, then teach them the rest of what He has commanded. Just as Jesus came to be a teacher, the church is to be a teacher. Teaching children, teens, and adults should have a high priority in this congregation. (Teacher: the discussions below can take more or less time as you desire. You may wish to spend more time on some passages and skip or spend less time on others. Choose what will be most useful for your particular class. Use the board to list passages and key points.)
  4. Q: What are some passages in the New Testament about teaching that should betaking place? (Teacher: Likely the students will mention passages such as those listed below. As each is mentioned, list it on the board and discuss its basic implications for teaching and then spend a little time asking how that would apply to the teaching and learning in your congregation.)
    1. Acts 20:28-31. Q: What responsibility does Paul give elders? A: To shepherd the flock. Some translations say 'Feed the flock.' Q: Why is this so important? A: Because members who are not well grounded in the faith will be easy prey for those who want to lead them astray. Q: What are someways the elders of this congregation are fulfilling this responsibility? A: Let the class give some examples. Q: What is the responsibility of the members to participate in these? A: Let the class give some examples.
    2. Ephesians 6:4. Q: What responsibility does God place on fathers? A: They are to take the lead in bringing up (nurturing) their children in the training and instruction of the Lord. Q: How do fathers, and mothers, work to fulfill this responsibility. A: Let the class give some possibilities. Q: What role should the church play in this process? A: Let the class give some answers.
    3. Titus 2:3-5. Q: What is the responsibility of older women? A: To train the younger women. Q: How do or how could older women in this congregation fulfill this responsibility? A: Let the class give some answers. Q: What is the responsibility of the younger women in this? A: Let the class give answers.
    4. 2 Timothy 4:2-4. Q: What responsibility do preachers have? A: To preach the word-correcting, rebuking, and encouraging. Q: How should members participate in this process? A: Let the class suggest some ways. Q: How do preachers and elders work together in this process? A: Let the class suggest some answers.


  1. Q: What specific applications we have talked about today will you seek to use in your own life? A: Let different people from the class mention one.


Taking part in the teaching and learning in this congregation.

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