Leadership training - Lesson 6

By Stafford North

When you Lead Prayer in Public Worship


To inform the class how to lead prayer in public so they can lead public prayers effectively..


  1. Prayer is talking to God-a great honor and privilege.
  2. A great responsibility rests on the man who leads in prayer. Luke 11:1 Subject Sentence: Make your public prayer an expression of the congregation’s thoughts of praise and request to God.


  1. Keep in Mind the Purpose for Your Prayer.
    1. You are entering the presence of God to approach Him as spokesman for a group of His children.
    2. You are also putting the thoughts expressed in the prayer into the minds of those in the group.
    3. Thus, your prayer can accomplish the two general purposes of prayer: to influence God and to influence those who pray.
  2. Draw Your Thoughts From:
    1. What the Bible tells us to pray for:
      1. Offering thanks and praise to God. (Phil. 4:6; Col. 3:17, 4:2; Heb. 13:15).
      2. The work of the church and growth of Christians (Matt. 6:10, 9:38; Rom. 15:30-32; Phil. 1:9-11; Col. 4:3; 2 Thess. 3:1).
      3. Personal needs such as daily sustenance (Matt. 6:11), wisdom (Jam. 1:5-6; Luke 6:12-13), help in temptation and trials (Matt. 6:13, 26:36-41; Heb 4:16), forgiveness as a Christian (Acts 8:22; Jam. 5:16; I Jn 1:9).
      4. Needs of others such as the sick (Jam 5:14-15), enemies (Matt. 5:44), earthly rulers (I Tim 2:10).
    2. Something done before the prayer-song, reading, sermon, announcement.
    3. Something to follow the prayer-worship, study, work, planning.
    4. Special circumstances-sick, special meeting, special project, local and world events.
    5. Matters on you own heart.
  3. Organize the Prayer
    1. Start by addressing God.
    2. Give thanks and praise to God.
    3. Offer your petitions to God.
    4. Close with the name of Jesus and amen.
  4. Do the Following:
    1. Plan the prayer in advance, if possible.
    2. Pray always in faith.
    3. Remember you are speaking to the Creator of the universe.
    4. Be specific.
    5. Make the prayer rather brief.
    6. Speak loudly enough to be heard by the entire congregation.
    7. Say things appropriate for the entire group.
  5. Do Not Do the Following:
    1. Try to mention everything in one prayer.
    2. Pray private prayers publicly.
    3. Try to preach a sermon.
    4. Repeat yourself in the same prayer.
    5. Use worn out phrases — “this low ground of sin and sorrow”. “bless all those for who it is our duty to pray”, “save us if we have been found faithful”, “much wanted health”, “bless thy ministering servants everywhere”, “and may we partake in a manner well pleasing unto thee”, etc.


  1. The model prayer, in Matthew 6:9-13, provides an example of many of the principles presented here.
  2. For the next class write out and bring to class a prayer which you believe meets the standards discussed in this lesson.
  3. Make a list of items not often mentioned in prayers for which you believe we should pray

Please fill in your name and give to the teacher before you pray. Name _____________

Did the student pause and look at the audience before starting? Yes No

Did the student’s prayer contain satisfactory ideas? Yes No

Did the student’s prayer avoid “overused” expressions? Yes No

Did the prayer contain unnecessary repetition? Yes No

Was the speed: too fast about right too slow?

Was the volume: too loud about right too soft?


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