Sharing Your Faith - Lesson 13

By Stafford North

Sharing Your Faith

Lesson 13

  1. I am motivated to share my faith because - - -
  2. To meet Christ's challenge for me to share my faith, I am willing to commit myself to the following:
  3. _ A. To live the Christian life before my friends and family.
  4. _B. To be active in using conversational evangelism so that I often inject something related to Christ, the church, the Bible or our youth group into the conversations I have with others.
  5. __ C. To get involved with others at school through groups, student activities, athletics, and/or volunteer service so I can make connections that give me an opportunity to share my faith.
  6. I have selected the friends listed below as ones I especially want to influence for Christ. I will pray for them and encourage them spiritually.
  7. I plan to use the approaches I have marked below in my efforts to share my faith.
  8. _A. I will pray regularly for the spiritual development of my friends.
  9. _B. I will invite someone to class once-a-week, particularly trying to get my special friends to come.
  10. _C. I will try to bring someone new to our youth activities with the hope of having opportunities for Bible study.
  11. _D. I will start or work with others in starting a home Bible study to which I can bring my friends.
  12. _E. I will participate in special evangelistic work in our youth group.
  13. _F. I will better prepare myself for sharing my faith by regular Bible reading and study.
  14. __ _G. I will commit myself to trying to bring someone to Christ during the next twelve months.
  15. I will use the person listed below as an accountability partner to keep myself on track with what I have committed to do.



Background Information for the Teacher


  1. The student will make a plan for how he/she will share his/her faith.
  2. The student will make a commitment to follow the plan.
  3. The student will set up a plan for being accountable for carrying out this plan.


  1. Have the quiz sheets and pencils ready.
  2. Have copies of the Personal Evangelism Plan sheets to hand out as provided or one to substitute from your own Youth Evangelism Committee.
  3. Be prepared or have someone present who is prepared to inform the students about future evangelistic activities of the class.


Now that we have studied about how to share our faith and have some experience with it, we are ready to make a longterm plan and to commit ourselves to it.

Lesson Plan for Conducting the Class

Introduction: (about 13 minutes)

  1. Call the roll and welcome the visitors.
  2. Make any necessary announcements.
  3. Have one of the young men lead a song like "Lead Me to Some Soul Today" or "Rescue the Perishing."
  4. Have a young man lead a prayer and ask him especially to request God's blessings on the class as you seek to find ways to share your faith.
  5. Give the quiz on the last lesson. Grade it as follows: Question 1-10 points; Question 2-30 points (7.5 points per answer); Question 3-60 points (15 points per reason). Collect the scores and have someone tabulate them.
  6. This is the final lesson in this series about sharing your faith. We have discussed some of the methods and materials for doing personal work and have studied how to answer some of the questions that are likely to arise. Today, each one of us should think about his/her own specific plan for being evangelistic. We are part of a team and, as with any team, not every one does exactly the same thing. Some of us will find one approach better while others will choose something else. Q: What good things would happen if all of us did more to share our faith? (Souls brought to Christ, we would be happier in our faith, the older people in the congregation would be encouraged to be more evangelistic, we would have a greater impact for morality and spiritual things in the community, we would grow spiritually, the church would grow.)

Learning Experiences: (about 15 minutes)

  1. Have someone read Acts 9:1-2. Q: What was Paul's religion? (Judaism) Q: What commission did he have for going to Damascus? (To find Christians and take them as prisoners to Jerusalem.) Q: Was he really treating Christians that badly? (Read Acts 8:3.)
  2. Have someone read Acts 9:3-9? Q: What happens to Paul as he nears Damascus? (Jesus appears to him and tells him he is wrong. He should go to the city where he will be told what to do.) Q: Did Paul believe in Jesus? (Yes) Q: Did Paul repent? (Yes)
  3. Have someone read Acts 9:15-18. Q: What does Ananias tell Paul to do? ( Be baptized.) Q: What would it cost Paul to agree to be baptized into Christ? (His job, his religion, his social status, his family, his friends, and he would have to admit he had been wrong and Christians were right.)
  4. Have someone read Acts 9:19-22. Q: What does Paul begin to do immediately? (Preach publicly.) Why didn't Paul keep his change of religion quiet? Why tell others about it? Have someone read Romans 1:14-16. (Because he had good news to share about salvation and he could not keep quiet.)
  5. How much did Paul suffer in order to share his faith with others? Have someone read 2 Corinthians 11:23-27. Q: Why did Paul suffer all of this to share his faith? (Because he loved Jesus and was thankful for the salvation he had received and he wanted others to be able to go to heaven.)

Applications: (about 15 minutes)

  1. Tell the students that this is their time to make a plan for how they can share their faith and to make a commitment to that plan. Like Paul, they should have a strong desire to spread the news about Jesus. Tell of the joy of bringing someone to Christ and the great satisfaction of seeing someone you have helped to teach as that person is baptized into Christ.
  2. Hand out to the students the Personal Evangelism Plan sheets and go through them point by point. (If your committee has prepared a revised version, use it and explain the evangelistic plan. The suggestions that follow would need to be modified to accommodate changes in the sheet.
  3. Number 1. Please complete the sentence which now reads, "I am motivated to share my faith because… ."
  4. Number 2. Put a check mark beside those items you will commit yourself to do.
    1. Living a Christian life before my friends and family.
    2. Actively using conversational evangelism.
    3. Getting involved in special activities or groups in order to make contacts for Christ.
  5. Number 3. Select one or two friends whom you especially want to work with. Write the names down in the space allowed for that.
  6. Number 4. Mark only those approaches you want to use, particularly with the names you wrote down under number 3.
    1. I will pray regularly for the spiritual development of my friends.
    2. I will invite someone to class once a week, particularly trying to get my special friends to come.
    3. I will take advantage of our youth activities to try to bring someone new to these activities with the hope of having opportunities for Bible study.
    4. I will start or work with others in starting a home Bible study to which I can bring my friends.
    5. I will participate in special evangelistic work planned for our youth group.
    6. I will better prepare myself for sharing my faith by regular Bible reading and study.
    7. I will commit myself to trying to bring someone to Christ during the next twelve months.
  7. Number 5. Think of someone you would like to use as an accountability partner-someone with whom you can share what you have done or have failed do during the past week. Tell this person you want to be able to visit with them once a week-maybe a friend, a parent, a Bible school teacher, an elder.

Assignment: (about 2 minutes)

  1. Your assignment is to put your plan into action. Basically your plan is between you and God. Your partner can help keep you on track and share with you your successes and failures.
  2. We hope to keep in touch with you about ways our youth group can be evangelistic. We can have a great impact on our friends, on the community, and even on the older people in the church here.

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