Worship - Lesson 3

Revelation 4

Background Information for the Teacher


  1. The student can describe the worship in heaven presented in Revelation 4.
  2. The student can think deeply about the majesty of God.
  3. The student can worship the holy God with a sense of awe.


  1. All students should have a Bible from which to read.
  2. Have a chalk or marker board ready to use.
  3. List each reading on a card. Hand out before class.
  4. Each person should have access to the songs mentioned in the lesson.
  5. Have quiz sheets ready to hand out and have the answers ready to each question.
  6. Have copies for each student of the song “He Leadeth Me” to hand out for study before the next class meeting.


Revelation 4 describes a scene of worship which can teach us much about our own worship.

Lesson Plan for Conducting Class

Introduction: (about 10 minutes)

  1. Recognize visitors, check roll, make announcements.
  2. Give quiz over Lesson 2 and call out the answers so each can check his/her own paper. In connection with this, review the last lesson on John 4:24.
  3. Read Psalm 19:1-6. Q: In this psalm, who is said to praise God? (All things in the heavens/sky.) Q: How often do they do it? (Day after day and night after night.) Q: How do they do it? (By their significance, order, and beauty they silently proclaim the wisdom and power of their maker.)
  4. Now let’s look at the song “All Things Praise Thee.” Q: What expressions in the song connect with Psalm 19? Now let’s sing the song with meaning.

Learning Experiences; (About 35 minutes)

  1. Read Revelation 4:1-11. Q: Describe the scene given in this chapter. (The teacher should draw the scene as described by using circles—like a target. In the small center circle, God on His throne, the next circle will represent the four living creatures (cherubim), around that are 24 elders, around that are myriads of angels (Revelation 5:11), and around that are all living creatures (Revelation 5:13.)
  2. Q: What is the mood in heaven as described here? (Praise and thanks to the majestic God, great respect and honor.)
  3. Q: What are different moods we might sense at different times in our own worship? (Praise, declaration, thanksgiving, confidence, shame, joy, contrition, penitence, supplication.) Let’s illustrate these different moods by singing songs of different moods. Teacher—choose those that work best for your class to give a variety of moods for your group, and sing as many as you have time for, but leave time for the rest of the lesson.) We will read the words of each song, then identify the moods, and then sing the song. “Our God is an Awesome God.” “As the Deer.” “Amazing Grace.” “Have Thine Own Way, Lord.” “It is Well with My Soul.” “When We All Get to Heaven.” (Teacher—you may wish to add to the list or choose others altogether. Just be sure to get a good variety of moods and then sing the song in that mood.)
  4. Read Hebrews 13:15. Q: What does the verse teach that we should do when we worship? (We direct our worship to God as an offering. We praise and adore Him. We confess His name. We offer our worship through Jesus, our mediator. Before we sing “How Great Thou Art” as a song of praise and adoration, let’s first review the words of that song. Now let’s sing the song.
  5. Have someone lead a prayer that is all praise to God and which focuses on the mood of respect and adoration.


  1. Before each song, we should think of the mood which should characterize our minds as we sing that song.
  2. Q: What moods might characterize us as we take the Lord’s supper?


  1. Study the song “He Leadeth Me” and be prepared to discuss its meaning at the next class meeting.
  2. Be ready for an oral review at the beginning of the next class meeting. No written quiz next class period.


Discussion of “He Leadeth Me” at the next class meeting.

Oral review at the beginning of the next class period.

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